January 2025

Hello Friend!

Welcome to the Mini Subscription! You either personally know me, or someone you know… knows me. You are one of 43 people in this intimate community who will receive a unique hand-painted mini artwork each month.

Let’s talk 43.

A 43-person wedding isn’t large. A seminar attended by 43 people may feel unsuccessful. If only 43 people show up for their flight it’s a luxury for the passengers, a loss for the airline. However, I'd feel completely overwhelmed if I had all 43 of you in one room. I’d be overflowing with gratitude, thankful for the support, and mainly concerned about the number of seats I could find to accommodate.

A short story introduction…

Once upon a time, there was a rebellious middle child born to a normal family who lived an ordinary life with all the magic of childhood. “She likes to beat to her own drum” my mom would tell others (which I did) – so naturally when given the choice to pursue a career she chose, not surprisingly, a creative field. She persisted and became successful in the interior design industry, becoming licensed and respected among her peers. Eyes set on something bigger, she moved to New York City in pursuit of her early 2000s leading lady girl-boss job (along with her lovely and strikingly handsome boyfriend).  Essentially, she was doing it. Living her ‘teen vogue’ inspired dream.

Fast forward to 2022, and their tiny apartment is just the right size. The rent is too high, but it doesn’t matter. She calls Central Park her backyard, has a dog, wears sneakers on the subway, and says things like, “downtown has the best Italian but we love our neighborhood anyway.” Everything is seemingly going according to plan, except for one teeny tiny problem, she hated her job.

No longer inspired by the work she was doing. She craved more tactile experience. Daydreaming about making things – anything- with her hands. Not willing, or knowing, how to say that though she was a creative person, she may actually be more artistic than previously known.

So, like any stable, responsible, forward-looking adult living (slightly) above her means, she quit her job.

With no real plan.

Well, it was really a work in progress but she knew that the current plan wasn’t working.

Did this cause self-doubt? Arguments with her boyfriend? Financial and emotional stress? A minor identity crisis? Possible doubt in all previous decisions made and question on what the F**K she was actually doing with her life and how the world saw her and how she undoubtedly saw herself despite no longer recognizing the person reflected in the mirror while also being so confident for the past 30 years and knowing but at the same time, not knowing, what to do? Uh… yeah.

The quest was to find herself. In a world of limitless possibilities, who was she?

 The Answer? I’m not entirely sure.

So Then What?

I started painting to help figure it out.

I painted some small pumpkins one week and gave them away to a few friends. I also sent some to my family as a way to spread seasonal joy, despite the sun setting at 3pm in Manhattan.

And then it came to me. The idea. The thing.

I could send small paintings to anyone who wanted one. I could do it each month. I could start a community of people who like art, but mainly who enjoy reminders that the world isn’t that big, we are more alike than different and when you stop, however briefly, there is beauty all around us.

I started this club knowing my mom would join, and probably my sister. But then a friend joined, and a friend of a friend, and then a coworker. Until, finally I had 19 people signed up that I was writing to every month sending unique artwork across the country.

We’ve doubled it for the year 2025 (thanks to you) and my hope is to continue to grow this community with others who will appreciate the intimacy, storytelling and, sharing of the small things in life.

I now live in Florida, with my dog (Maggie), and my fiance, Adam. We moved from the big city after three exhilarating years to jump to our next phase in life. To get married, buy a home, and continue our passions while settling into a slower pace of life riddled with ordinarily beautiful days.

This Months Mini

I typically will paint something relevant to the season, but not always. This month I painted party hats, to celebrate the New Year. I painted all 43 in one sitting while watching Love Actually and White Christmas. Each is stamped and signed by me, and yours is completely different than someone else’s, but a party hat all the same. I used watercolors, which give a childlike imperfection to the piece which is the lens I like to view the world most often.  

So what are we celebrating for the New Year?

I say the little things. Big grandiose resolutions typically fail me because I can’t follow through. Extravagant promises and elaborate plans to change my world and, in essence, everyone else’s, stop becoming important mid January.

I’m celebrating one small thing, every day.

Party hats indicate a celebration, typically worn around young children because at some point, unknowingly, we cross over into adulthood who no longer put the hat on because the strap itches and we look stupid and we think that this accessory is better suited for someone younger than us.

And there is truth in all those words. The strap does itch and the hats are crappy and they aren’t cute and we throw them out after one use and we don’t actually need them to celebrate.

But that’s not the point. Put the damn hat on and celebrate. Pick your favorite color because it makes you happiest. Make others put it on too. Choose to participate and find joy in newness. Attempt to notice more closely – to others who are their happiest. How the crease next to their mouth is an indication of past joy. When the laugh turns into a howl. The grin into the toothiest of smiles, the hug into an embrace, and the transformation from heaviness to ease by just being there for someone else.

Notice the smallest of gestures. Participate in the smallest most meaningful ways. Wear the party hat and celebrate.  

Happy New Year from me to you! I am so excited to have you along for this journey into 2025, I believe this will be a year filled with magic – hold on tight!

xx Jessie


February 2025