Jessica Gordon - artist and creator


Available for Purchase

I am constantly working on new pieces, be sure to check out what is currently available.


Collaboration is part of being an artist. I’d love to work with you on a piece unique to you.

Latest Available Painting

Latest Available Painting

‘Flowers Bloom in the Shade toooo’

36 x 36”


Visit my Instagram or Tiktok to see how this painting was created.

A vibrant and expressive celebration of resilience, Flowers Bloom in the Shade is a hand-painted acrylic piece that blends bold colors, playful florals, and textured details.

This 36" x 36" canvas radiates warmth and joy, making it a statement piece for any space. The mixed-media elements, including embroidered-like textures, add depth and dimension, inviting you to explore the details up close.

The Flower Shop

Floral Study - Framed Floral Study - Framed
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More about me and my story. Born and raised in Florida, with a background in design. I’ve taken the leap to follow my intuition.


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